
Field Trip Day!!! But first, we had our core classes in the morning where the girls experienced the impact of forces in the physical world, built towers, researched careers, began to understand the functions of the brain, and more.  

We visited Cal Poly and saw the sustainable Lyle Regenerative Center where they rely on native plants, predators, prey, and natural resources to produce their food. Amazing how nature has it all figured out. We also went down to the AGRIscapes section at Cal Poly and visited the petting zoo (the goats are just so cute!)and learned a bit about animal sciences, the vegetable and fruit garden to learn about the importance of nutrition and food science, and then got to go home with freshly picked strawberries from the farm.

Oh, it didn’t stop there! We continued with our day by learning about Cyber Security. You’re welcome parents, I’m pretty sure I deterred them from ever using any internet-connected device again (Haha, just kidding)! We discussed the importance of safeguarding your infromation and being careful of what you put on the internet. I promised the girls I would make that presentation available to them here, so here it is as promised!

Cyber Security Pear Deck Presentation

OR go to joinpd.com  and enter code pdcsk

Then we continued to our dorm groups where the girls worked on the Problem of the Day, wrote in their journals, and continued to work on their final presentations that will be delivered to you this coming Saturday!

Finally, the time to sleep came. I think we were successful in wearing them out today. All lights were out promptly at 10pm! Now for the good stuff….pictures!
