
Information for Former Tech Trekkers

Keeping In Touch

Your friends at Tech Trek and the AAUW branch members who sent you to camp want to know how you are doing. Please keep in touch with them. Camp directors’ emails can be found on this website; they can put you in touch with your AAUW branch. You can also go to “Find a Branch” at Be sure to put “Tech Trek” in the subject line and tell us which camp and year you attended. Your current email addresses are particularly useful. We will not share them with anyone outside the Tech Trek community.

Tell Us Your Stories

We would be delighted to hear if you followed your science and math interest in high school. If you are attending college, what college and what’s your major? If you have reached adulthood, what career are you pursuing?

Opportunities For Former Tech Trekkers

Former campers can serve as junior and senior counselors, dorm mothers, teachers, guests at Professional Women’s Nights, AAUW branch coordinators, and even camp directors.

Junior and Senior Counselors

Individual camp directors select these valuable camp assistants, conforming to the needs of their particular camp. All junior and senior counselors are former Tech Trekkers, usually at the camp they attended as rising 8th graders.

Most junior counselors are entering 10th or 11th grade. Senior counselors, which many camps include, are high school seniors or recent graduates.

Junior and Senior Counselor Job Descriptions

Please see the volunteer page of this website for the Junior/Senior Counselor Job Descriptions. Many camps have senior counselors who supervise the junior counselors, act as camp director assistantsand fill in as required. Some camps have only one junior counselor per core class; others two per class. Each camp director decides the number of junior/senior counselors needed and what these valued counselors will do.

Counselors at Tech Trek Whittiermust be age 15 or older for Junior Counselors. Senior Counselors need to be 18 or older, and preferably have a driver’s license.

How to Apply

Contact the camp director at the site where you wish to serve as a junior or senior counselor.

Other Opportunities for Former Tech Trekkers

Former campers have returned for Professional Women’s Night, impressing current campers (and staff) that the 13-year-old they knew years ago is now a doctor or scientist. Several young women have also returned as dorm moms, teachers, AAUW Tech Trek branch coordinators—the women who choose the new campers—and, in 2012, as camp directors, when Cassie Resendez and Becca Jennings directed Tech Trek at CSU Fresno. Former trekker Stephanie Morris co-directed the Sonoma camp in 2013. This is SO exciting!

Because our campers are so special we are not at all surprised when they become successful adults with exciting careers. As always, please keep in touch!

What are former campers saying about Tech Trek?

  • “Tech Trek was amazing. I learned a lot and had so much fun. It was a very great experience. I learned a lot about a variety of subjects about STEM and myself.”
  • “I loved this camp! It was my all-time favorite camp. I met so many new people and learned that everything is hard, it just takes persistence.”
  • “I realized that I am WAY more interested in STEM than I thought. I’m more confident in my STEM skills. I loved the other girls at camp and had a great time in my classes.”