Category Archives: Tech Trek Camp Blog 2017

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Freaky Friday

Today was the cadaver lab! Very few girls chose to leave the cadaver lab and most found it fascinating and maybe a bit freaky!

After that we enjoyed the rest of the afternoon practicing, editing, and rehearsing for our presentations to give to our families tomorrow. They are wonderful! I am so proud of all the hard work these girls have put in to these!

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning at 9am at Harris Hall. Again, thank you for sharing these incredible young ladies with us this past week. Please see the post regarding Saturday Presentations



Wrapped up our core classes today, launched some rockets, finished neuroscience t-shirts, presented information on brain disorders, applied module arithmetic to the encryption and decryption of messages, constructed binary code bracelets, learned about the enigma machine from WWII, and created music with PVC pipes!

We created a whole bunch of Rube Goldberg machines-lots of failures which led to lots of successes. The girls had an absolute blast learning about motion and creating an overly complex machine to achieve a simple goal-check out the pictures (we created a BIG mess!).

AAUW came to visit and we showed them what we’ve been working on all week (they were quite impressed, if I don’t say-so myself!). We also hosted 9 Professional Women in fields of STEM such as, Director of Clinical Operations in Ophthalmology, Psychiatrist, Animal Keeper, Disney Imagineer, Awestruck Digital Media, Technology Consultant, Registered Dietitian, Federal Health Care Services Accountant, and Biomedical Neuroscience Research Assistant.

I also have to share- I know, as a parent myself, there is nothing better than hearing the joy in your child’s laugh. The girls today were truly that: a gaggle of giggling girls- it was great! The food hall was filled with giggles, laughter, and smiles. So much fun was had today 🙂

Saturday-Presentation Groups

Remember, we are expecting you to arrive at 9am to check her our of her dorm room, sign the transportation page, return the key and linens, etc. You can store all of her luggage in the car while you head over to the presentation hall where she will be presenting. The show starts at 10am. After this, your daughter will be returned to you and you may leave as you wish!

Please refer to this chart to determine which location your daughter will be presenting in on Saturday morning, promptly at 10am.

Saturday Presentation Locations: (separated by Dorm Mom Groups, see below)



Wednesday Workshops


Phew! The week is picking up pace and is flying by. Saturday will be here in no time. The girls have been working hard on putting together their presentations for you each night as we add to our experiences.One thing is for sure….I’m tired. But, I know it’s not me you want to hear about (haha).

The girls are having such a good time with rockets, chemistry, neurons, golden spirals (math), Hertz frequencies, encryption, cyber security, missile defenses, roller coasters, comets/space objects, creating new apps, breaking into a box with about 5 different locks, and all the in between stuff that makes up the life-long memories that can only be made by this camp experience.

Again, thank you for sharing your daughter with us. This group is just incredible-we are really enjoying their energy and insights.

On that note…it’s lights out for me!

Update: I told the girls I would give them access to the Cyber Security Presentation:

Here is a link to view the handout with embedded links and video resources

And if you wanted to access it via Peardeck please go to: and enter the code VHADM

Tuesday-iFly (indoor skydiving!)

Well….that was fun!!!!!

Here is where you can find and purchase pictures of your girls:

  1. Click the link below or click here
  2. Select the appropriate Tunnel=Hollywood
  3. Scroll down and select the Date: Tuesday, 6/27/2017
  4. Scroll down and select the Flight Time

Photos will be available for the next two weeks.

Our fly times were from 10:33-12:47 :!/step/1

iFly Hollywood

June 27, 2017

Group 1: Flight Time 10:33

Heidi Kim

Jordyn Kent

Chloe Sy-Perez

Noemi Mesropian

Alaina Riggs

Hanna Snively-Folk

Kassandra Guillen

Jasmine Gonzales

Giselle Borja

Kirstin Warren

Ashlynn Kyaw

Courtney Woodhall

Rachel Abate


Group 2 : Flight Time 11:08

Kimberly Aguilar

Ayaka Chinen

Shelly Fonseca

Brianna Gaughn

Ifeoluwa Odogbda

Anett Pajuelo

Samantha Silva

Lexus Simpson

Luna Yepez

Zoe Espinal

Angelina Sandoval

Rebecca Donoho


Group 3 :  Flight Time 11:27

Paris Gomez

Helena Novak-Murano

Chloe Brooks

Nevya Patel

Alexia Virgil

Kohana Johnson

Rosemarie Guzman

Hannah Ramirez

Jenna Yamane

Layla Brown

Emily Casciani


Group 4 : Flight Time 11:46

Christine Wang

Rebecca Hudson

Charly Scott

Alani Morales

Martha Ramirez

Megan Guzman

Ashlyn Luisi

Adrienne Lim

Cassandra Hermosillo

Denise Toledo

Kennadee Stilson

Katie To

Daniela Sanchez


Group 5 : Flight Time 12:06

Isabella Corona

Naima Dellawar

Rubi Cedillo

Sierra Clark

Sintia Khosravian

Alyson Gonzales

Elin Bubukhaniance

Sarine Mardirosian

Lisamarie Alforo

Alexandra Landavery


Group 6 : Flight Time 12:27

Jamiya McClelland

Arlene Villapanda

Isabella Rojas

Tere Censenas

Miranda Rodriguez

Rosaria Recinos

Emily Doi

Isela Aparicio

Terra Lee

Kathryn Liang

Jacqueline Serra


Group 7 : Flight Time 12:47

Leyna Pham

Isabella Uriu

Lily Armstrong

Carolina Tarango

Mia Gutierrez

Jeslyn Lee

Sara Hernandez

Kayla Brewer

Laci Bridgette

Jocelyn Rico

Kayla San Andres

Boy, are we tired! What a fun-filled day at City Walk where we got to experience the air resistance of indoor skydiving! Very cool….and fun to watch!

After that, we attended our core classes and returned to our dorms to problem solve the problem of the day, continue our presentations, and enjoy each/other’s company! I’m pretty sure we will have no problems with any of the girls sleeping tonight (haha!). Tomorrow brings another day full of activities and wonder!

In case you don’t already have it- here is the link to our Google Album– join in and you will get notifications whenever it is updated 🙂


What. A. Day! We sure did hit the ground running. The girls are on their way to becoming professional public speakers, scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. Today they discovered Patterns that shocked even Virginia (remember her….MATH!!!!), the science of hot air balloon flight, mathematics in space flight/rocket launches, rocketry basics, introduction to designing and creating apps for mobile devices, and foundational knowledge of the human brain and nervous system! They are going to get some well deserved rest tonight so that we can be prepared for a big day tomorrow of discovery and hands-on exploratory.

You daughters have been so respectful and just an absolute pleasure to get to know. I know the teachers are beyond impressed with this group of outstanding young women- thank you for allowing them the opportunity to be here and advance their knowledge and passion for STEM!

Remember to join our photo album to see daily pictures of what’s going on here at camp!


Woo Hoo! It has begun! We are so happy to have your daughter here to experience this week with us. Today was HOT and I really appreciate your understanding, support, and flexibility with the day’s check-in and registration. We got through it regardless of the bumps in the road.

The girls are already having a good time getting to know one another and their dorm moms. Tonight we will enjoy a delicious meal provided by the campus café, Bon Appétit followed by an inspirational TED Talk by Regina Dugan on the importance of failing and the success that can come from that.

We challenge you to answer the question that was asked in her video:

Only a few images from today:

Saturday- Prep Day

Oh what fun we had setting up and getting ready for our campers! Thank you to AAUW’s Greater Whittier Area Branch members for a wonderful welcome dinner. It was delicious! And WOW! Let me tell you, the new Science Learning Center is BEAUTIFUL! What a great classroom experience our campers are going to have….at least our teachers sure did enjoy exploring them!

See you soon, we can hardly wait to meet you all!


Here are a few photos from today: